
自1957年买足彩app平台成立以来, we have worked to build a one-of-a-kind educational experience for students with complex learning challenges. 每年, 在学生发展的每一个领域:课堂, 课外, 以及居住生活,  河景员工致力于个性化教育, 和创新. 在我们进化的每一步, 买足彩app平台 has relied on the extended 河景 family to support the needs of the school and foster new ideas and new directions, 在三个重点领域提供慈善支持:年度基金, 我们的春梦村晚会, 战略资本运动.

每一个捐赠区都有一个特殊的目的, and each has been instrumental in 买足彩app平台 becoming a nationally recognized center of excellence, 在那里,几代学生可以体验到改变人生的成长.


在河景,为学生提供课程和服务是我们的首要任务, 父母, 在鼓励和促进整个家庭成长的环境中培养兄弟姐妹和校友. 近年来, we have utilized our 年度基金 to innovate and develop many new programs in areas such as wellness, 营养, 还有艺术. Our most recent innovation is a comprehensive Family Education and Support program focused on:


None of this would be possible without the ongoing success of our 年度基金 and the leadership of our engaged community.

去年,我们扩大年度基金参与的努力成倍增加. 这一增长是我们社区承诺和热情努力的直接结果. 今年我们希望保持这种势头,达到100%的目标.

要在网上向河景镇年度基金捐款, 点击这里.

东三明治MA 02537


河景’s 梦之村联欢晚会 Continues to Break Records; Fund-A-Dream Paddle Raise This Year Will Support Staff Development!

在周五, 6月14日, 买足彩app平台迎来了近400人参加我们一年一度的梦想村晚会. 在河景, 我们为学生提供特别的课程, 其中一个关键部分就是招聘, 发展中, 并保留一个敬业和热情的员工. To this end, our 2024 Fund-A-Dream was focused on raising funds to invest in staff development. 随着教育界的不断发展进步, this Fund-A-Dream will help 河景 remain at the forefront of educating students who learn differently. 

晚会和拍卖会在露天帐篷下举行, 位于MC Greene Field的河景校园中心. 这项年度活动继续创造记录,2024年的活动筹集了超过1美元.400万年! 

在今晚的活动开始之前, 与会者与家人混在一起, 朋友, 和河景员工, 还享受了一场热闹的鸡尾酒会. 欢迎客人们参加最受欢迎的掷酒活动, 参观以花卉为主题的照相亭, and even had the chance to enter the diamond raffle to win a stunning sapphire and diamond necklace. 支持者们享受着对展出的许多令人兴奋的无声拍卖物品的竞价, 从美术, 餐饮场, 娱乐体验, 到独一无二的河景特色商品和豪华目的地. At the live auction (a staple of the event) guests raised their bidding paddles for some of the more expansive packages, 包括奢华的海外旅行,比如去巴黎, 希腊, 安圭拉岛, 和意大利.  

在活动开始时,一个学生乐队恰如其分地命名为: 岩石上! 当客人们纷纷走向他们指定的餐桌时,他站在舞台上. 一次坐, 校长Stewart Miller对与会者表示欢迎, 谁说晚会了, 以及河景镇员工的实力. 

每年, 晚会表彰的是一位“造梦人”,” a person who exemplifies the 河景 ideology and gives back to the community in ways that are hard to quantify. 今年, the award was presented to Attorney and former chair of the ARC of the United States and the ARC of Massachusettes, 弗雷德Misilo. Fred is a trust and estate attorney with over 35 years of experience working for clients with complex needs, 并与无数的河景家庭合作,指导他们度过接下来会发生什么?”的过程. 

为晚会画上圆满的句号的是Fund-A-Dream划船比赛, which kicked off with an inspired staff-focused video to showcase the direct impact that supporting our staff will have on 河景’s programs. Pre-pledged捐款, 包括来自学生团体的100美元(由学生会筹集), 激发了整个活动中最优秀的捐助者, 最终超过了500美元,为员工发展筹得1万英镑!

这真的需要一个村庄, and the Gala could not have been made possible without the dedication of the 40+ person committee, 由Gala主席Linda Ledoux和Gala联合主席Barb Noble领导, 辛勤工作的志愿者(其中许多是河景的员工), 优秀的供应商和合作伙伴, 以及买足彩app平台忠实的赞助商和捐赠者的慷慨解囊. 我们感谢所有支持这次活动的人, 他们是否在帐篷下面, 或者从远方捐赠!


Capital Campaigns at 河景 support growth in both Programming and state-of-the art facilities. Our most recent 健康运动 has allowed us to build our game-changing Cohen Center for Fitness and Recreation, 这将综合健康规划纳入日常生活的结构, including programs that teach healthy eating and wellness habits that will impact quality-of-life long after graduation. 今年春天, 我们开设了一个最先进的营养烹饪中心,让我们的学生烹饪, 准备和学习在一个真正的动手课堂设置. 2022年10月, we officially broke ground on the final phase of our 健康运动 as we began construction of a brand new outdoor turf field and rubber track to replace the old Davis Field. 预计将于2023年春季完工.

在健康, our Capital Campaigns have helped in many ways including: prioritizing music 还有艺术 programming in our James Center, 我们的高等教育成长计划的增长和扩展, 以及其他许多对河景社区体验至关重要的东西.

资本活动的规模总是很大, 但它们对河景文化的整体影响更大.



河景’s 年度基金 provides unrestricted money for programs and experiences for our students and faculty. It allows for our 河景 community to engage in a dynamic and enriching curriculum for each and every one of our students.

Money raised through the 年度基金 is also used to fund the greatest need at any given time. 在很多方面, the annual fund funnels programming and enrichment through every aspect of a student’s experience here at 河景.


和许多私立学校一样, 学费不包括学校每年的所有运营费用. 河景在很大程度上依赖于弥合学费和我们的年度运营成本之间的差距. 它有助于提供程序增强和持续创新.


We hope and encourage each of our 河景 families to consider 河景 a philanthropic priority for their family.

你们的参与是对我们所做的一切投下的信任票. Your gift helps to advance our mission to empower our faculty and students to build the strongest path towards success. It allows us to innovate and utilize new strategies to deliver individualized programming for each of our students.


The primary goal of 河景’s annual fund is to bridge the gap between what tuition provides, 以及开办一流河景教育所需的成本. 更具体地说, 河景至少需要筹集650美元,000- $700,以支持学校的预算需求.


个人礼物的价格从25美元到5万美元不等. 父母的平均礼物是2000美元. 在河景镇,我们相信如果每个人都尽可能慷慨地给予, 因为他们目前的财政状况, 然后我们可以共同实现我们的目标.


我们的年度基金从7月1日到6月30日, 但是我们的年度基金的主要筹款活动通常在9月至12月进行.


是的. Gifts to 河景’s annual fund is considered a charitable donation and can be fully deducted within IRS regulatory limits. 请注意,活动门票和抽奖是不能免税的.


是的! 许多公司和雇主为员工提供慈善捐赠. Please contact your Human Resource department to see if your company has a matching gift program. 您将获得原始礼物和匹配金额的捐赠积分. 每一块钱都很重要!

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